
500 kg

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  • breeder Deutsche Saatveredelung AG, Germany,
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2016,
  • grain meets the requirements of quality class II-I,
  • medium early,
  • plants of medium height,
  • very resistant to lodging 8.8 points,
  • 1000 grains average weight 48 g,
  • wintry

Breed characteristics

2017-2020 Kaunas AVTS 'Etana' yield was 107.5 percent. compared to standard varieties. The breed is very winter-hardy in 2013-2014. – was rated 8.1 points or 106 percent. compared to standard varieties. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, moderately resistant to wheat streak and leaf septoria. The variety grows well, it can be sown in secluded areas.

Grain quality

In the grains, on average, the following was found: protein -11.8%, gluten -23.0%, starch -68.3%, number of drops - 357 s, weight per hectoliter -81.7 kg hl-1



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