Lakaja DS

500 kg

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  • breeder "LAMMC Institute of Agriculture", Lithuania,
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2019,
  • grain meets the requirements of quality class I-II,
  • medium early,
  • plants of medium height,
  • very resistant to lodging 9 points,
  • 1000 grains average weight 43 g,
  • very wintry

Breed characteristics

2016-2018 AVTS average yield was 9.7 t ha-1. The largest harvest of the 'Lakaja DS' variety was in 2017. -12.29 t ha in the AVT section of Pasvali-1. Very good resistance to powdery mildew, good resistance to bell fusarium, leaf septoria and stripe. in 2021 in private variety trials, 70 varieties were tested in fields where the snow was cleared.

Grain quality

In the grains, on average, the following was determined: protein -11.2%, gluten -21.4%, starch -68.6%, the number of drops 300 s and the hectoliter weight 78.2 kg hl-1. Sedimentation was 33.4 ml.


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