Su Hymalaya (Hibrid)

500 kg

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Winter hybrid wheat

  • SAATEN UNION, Germany
  • It has been studied in Lithuania since 2019.
  • The grain meets the requirements of the II-I quality class
  • Medium late
  • Grain quality. In the grains, on average, it was determined: protein - 12.0%, gluten - 22.9%.
  • Plants of medium height
  • Moderately resistant to lodging
  • The average weight of 1000 grains is 44 g
  • Ziemkentishka

Breed characteristics

The variety is very productive, with compensatory type, well-filled ears of grain. in 2020 in private trials of Dotnuva Baltic winter wheat varieties, it was the most productive of the 65 studied varieties, the yield was 12.38 t ha-1. Grows a strong root system in the fall, grows the above-ground part strongly in the spring. A strong and developed root system influences the efficient absorption of water and nutrients. Grows well in low productivity, light soils where wheat does not grow well, tolerant to short-term droughts and unfavorable growing conditions. Suitable for trailing. Medium-late maturity, wintery. Very resistant to powdery mildew, leaf streak, bell fusarium. Lower crop density, so fall weeding with herbicides is recommended. Intensive scrubbing requires higher rates of nitrogen fertilizers. Early sowing is recommended. Sowing rate 150-200 seeds/m2.


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