
500 kg

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  • Lantmännen, Sweden
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2018.
  • food/feed type
  • medium early
  • average plant height 89 cm
  • very resistant to lodging 8 points
  • Weight of 1000 grains 42 g

Breed characteristics

Research on the economic value of this sowing oat variety was carried out in 2016 and 2017. In Plunge, Šilutė, Kaunas and Vilnius AVT departments. Average 7.16 t was obtained in the year of the breed research  ha-1 grain harvest. in 2019 In Latvia, at the Vecauce research station, the yield of 'Montrose' was 107.4 percent. compared to the average of all studied cultivars.

Moderately resistant to oat streak and crown rust.

Grain quality

After evaluating the quality of the grains, an average of 12.8 percent was found in them. protein and 3.6 percent fat, shelliness - 22.4 percent. Hectoliter mass in 2018 Kaunas AVTS was 57.9 kg hl-1, 2019 In Latvia, at the Vecauce research station - 57.8 kg hl-1.


There is no.

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