Dotnuva Green Bio Mass

Product code: KSED_0867_LTU

25 kg

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Mixture of sidereal plants Dotnuva GREEN Biomas, intended for use both for green fallow and for crops or catch crops during the winter.


By purposefully growing sidereal plants, we improve the yield and quality of main crops, maintain and improve soil fertility in the long term, and have many other positive properties of sidereal plants.

  • Roots loosen the soil and form the soil structure;
  • Improves outdoor moisture volume and increases rainwater infiltration;
  • Good soil cover reduces soil weediness and protects the beneficial topsoil from erosion;
  • Improves the phytosanitary condition of the soil;
  • Improves soil fertility and promotes humus formation;
  • Promotes beneficial soil life, e.g. earthworm activity;
  • Legumes in sidereal mixes fix atmospheric nitrogen;
  • Sidereal plants left in the winter conserve nitrogen in the soil and stop nitrogen leaching in the winter;
  • Frozen cover crops are easy to incorporate in the spring;
  • Flowering plants provide nectar for bees and other insects;
  • Provides habitat and grazing for wildlife;
  • Ensures biodiversity.

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