
1 kg / 25 kg

500 kg

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  • Nordsaat Saatzucht, Germany
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2022.
  • malty type,
  • medium early
  • resistant to lodging 6.9 points,
  • average plant height 64 cm
  • Weight of 1000 grains 54 g.

Characteristics of the breed:

Research on the economic value of the breed, carried out in 2020 and 2021. In Plunge, Kaunas, Pasvalis and Utena AVT departments. Average yield of 8.08 t ha was obtained in the year of the variety research-1 grain harvest. The largest crop of 'Amidala' was grown in 2020. In Pasvalis AVT section - 10.6 t ha-1. One of the few malting barley varieties with a high malt rating by both the German Berlin Program and the CBMO French Malting Barley Growers Committee. in 2022 In Germany, the largest areas of seed barley were sown with seeds of the 'Amidala' variety. Very coarse grains. The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew, resistant to net streak, rust, rhynchosporiosis, moderately resistant to ramularia. More sensitive to droughts. It is included in the list of "Viking Malt" UAB superkama varieties.

Grain quality:

The average content of protein was 10.9%, starch - from 64.4%, coarse grains on a mesh sieve with a diameter of 2.5 mm - 93.9%.

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