1kg, 7.5kg, 20kg

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Turfline® is a gardener's favorite

Turfline® mixes are supplied in 1 kg cartons, 7.5 kg and 20 kg bags.

Quick Action© perennial grasses in the TURBO mixture ensure quick germination and establishment. They grow densely and compactly, and recover quickly after damage.

Quick Action ©  - much better disease and drought resistance. Especially in the autumn and winter seasons, resistance to diseases such as snow mold is significantly improved. This, combined with rapid establishment and better growth at lower temperatures, improves the quality of the grass cover for sports activities in late autumn and early spring. Resistance to the disease red streak is also improved. The improved drought resistance due to the deeper rooting of Quick Action © perennial sedges makes it a unique partner in mixtures for dry soils.

Only the TURBO mixture uses the ACCELERATOR® seed coating 

Accelerator®  – the seed coat contains humectants and biostimulants. This allows for quick establishment and provides a richer green color and additional trampling resistance. Accelerator® has proven its advantages in areas and situations where irrigation during the growing stage is limited or where rapid germination is critical. Accelerator® is perfect even where lawns need to be reseeded or repaired as it strengthens and improves the growth of new plants and their ability to compete with weeds in the old lawn.
Accelerator® is only used in Turfline® mixes TURBO.

A quick lawn - now even faster with Accelerator 

Turbo contains a unique annual ryegrass that is the fastest growing grass. The use of Accelerator® promotes faster seed germination. As a result, the seeds need 1/3 less water in the first stages of germination. At the same time, perennial sedges "Quick Action©" provide the best establishment and growth and germinate well even at low temperatures in early spring or late autumn.

Fast establishment means fewer weeds and a job well done!

The speed at which your lawn establishes is very important. Fast establishment reduces weeds. Turfline© Turbo will quickly create a dense turf that will provide less space and opportunities for weeds during the seed germination stage.
The annual turfgrass in Turfline© Turbo mix is the fastest germinating and establishing grass you can find. It germinates and greens up quickly while other types of grasses are emerging and bushy, giving you the desired beautiful, dense and weed-free lawn. Quick Action© sedges can also germinate and establish in low temperatures, allowing early spring and later fall reseeding and lawn maintenance, extending the opportunity to create a beautiful lawn.

  • Fast germination and greening Germination also takes place at low temperatures
  • Minimal color difference from the old lawn
  • Good resistance to trampling
  • Less water in the early stages of development
  • TURBO is intended for renewing or compacting lawns.


  • 30 % Perennial Squirrels (Quick Action ©)
  • 20 % Annual lawn grasses
  • 45 % Red long-stemmed fescues
  • 5 % Meadow mist

Sowing rate: about 3 kg/100 m2 (when seeding or compacting the lawn 1-2 kg/100 m2)

*the composition of the mixture may change

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