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In this privacy policy (hereinafter privacy policy) We provide you with information about how UAB "Dotnuva Seeds" processes your personal data.


UAB "Dotnuva Seeds" (hereinafter - Dotnuva Seeds), legal entity code: 306313873, registered office address: Tilto st. 2C, Dotnuva LT-58373, Kėdainiai district, e-mail mailing address: [email protected], is part of the AB Akola group of companies and the manager of your personal data.

In some of the following cases, Dotnuva Seeds may be a joint controller of your personal data with other AB Akola group company(ies).


Personal data is any information collected by Dotnuva Seeds about an individual that can be used to identify that individual. Personal data includes any information, including a person's name, surname, address, IP address.


Dotnuva Seeds processes your personal data for the purposes indicated below.

4.1. Communication with customers

  • If you agree (subscribe to the newsletter, mark it by signing the contract), Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data for the purpose of direct marketing: name, surname, e-mail postal address, telephone number. These personal data are processed based on your consent and are stored for 3 (three) years from the date of consent. Each time a direct marketing message is sent, you will be given the opportunity to opt out of direct marketing messages by notifying you by email. by mail or other specified methods. If you have not given your consent for direct marketing, but you are a customer of Dotnuva Seeds (you have purchased our goods or ordered services in the last two years) on the basis of a legitimate interest in conducting marketing (Article 69 of the Law on Electronic Communications), Dotnuva Seeds may send you offers or newsletters for similar goods or services. For this purpose, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, e-mail address. postal address, telephone number. These personal data are processed for 2 (two) years (if you purchased equipment 5 (five) years) from the date of purchase of goods or services. Each time offers are sent, you will be given the opportunity to opt out of direct marketing communications by notifying you by email. by mail or other specified methods.
  • Information you provide to Dotnuva Seeds through social media when you visit our accounts (including messages, "Like" boxesLike") use, and other communication), we control jointly with the managers of social networks, as joint managers of personal data. We currently have the following accounts in social networks:
  • We recommend that you read the privacy notices of third parties and contact the service providers directly if you have any questions about how they use your personal data.

4.2. Administration of contracts

  • For the purpose of evaluating the client's ability to fulfill the contract, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, personal identification number, addresses of declared and actual residence, date of declared residence, telephone number, personal document data (number, date of issue, etc.), information about available movable and immovable property, real estate register data, information from property seizure and mortgage registers, credit rating and settlement history. These personal data are processed on the basis of contract performance. Data that are not necessary for the conclusion of the contract are destroyed after the evaluation, and other personal data are stored for 10 (ten) years after the conclusion of the contract. Dotnuva Seeds does not collect all specified data when assessing the customer's ability to fulfill contracts, the amount of personal data collected depends on the form of the contract and the selected form of payment (immediate payment or delayed payment, etc.). In this case, Dotnuva Seeds is the joint controller of your personal data with AB Linas Agro (legal entity code: 147328026, registered office address: Smėlynės st. 2C – 3, LT – 35143, Panevėžys, e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Baltic" (legal entity code 261415970, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Rent" (legal entity code: 161452398, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]).
  • For the purpose of concluding and executing purchase, sale and service contracts, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, personal identification number, personal document data, e-mail address. postal address, address of place of residence, telephone number, marital status, bank account number, VAT payer code, land plot document data, farmer's certificate number, number of the list of registered feed business entities, data on concluded transactions and their execution. These personal data are processed on the basis of the conclusion and performance of the contract and are stored for 10 (ten) years after the contract expires. In this case, Dotnuva Seeds is the joint controller of your personal data with AB Linas Agro (legal entity code: 147328026, registered office address: Smėlynės st. 2C – 3, LT-35143 Panevėžys, e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Baltic" (legal entity code 261415970, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Rent" (legal entity code: 161452398, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]).
  • For the purpose of providing payment deferrals to customers, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, bank account number, payment schedule. These personal data are processed on the basis of contract performance and are stored for 10 (ten) years after the contract expires. In this case, Dotnuva Seeds is the joint controller of your personal data with AB Linas Agro (legal entity code: 147328026, registered office address: Smėlynės st. 2C – 3, LT- 35143 Panevėžys, e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Baltic" (legal entity code 261415970, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Rent" (legal entity code: 161452398, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]).
  • For the purpose of debt administration, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, address, date of birth, amount of debts and circumstances. These personal data are processed on the basis of a legitimate interest in ensuring the performance of contracts and are stored for 10 (ten) years after the completion/expiration of the contract. In this case, Dotnuva Seeds is the joint controller of your personal data with AB Linas Agro (legal entity code: 147328026, registered office address: Smėlynės st. 2C – 3, LT-35143 Panevėžys, e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Baltic" (legal entity code 261415970, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]), UAB "Dotnuva Rent" (legal entity code: 161452398, registered office address: Parko st. 6, LT-58350 Akademijos mstl., Dotnuva sen., Kėdainių r. sav., e-mail address: [email protected]).

4.3. Administration of customer requests

For the purpose of administering requests for goods and services on the website, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, e-mail address. e-mail address, information provided in the request. This personal data is processed on the basis of a legitimate interest in communicating with customers and is stored for 1 (one) year from the resolution of the request.

4.4. Video surveillance

For the purpose of ensuring the security of persons and property (video surveillance), Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: the image and movement of a person entering the surveillance field of video cameras. These personal data are processed on the basis of a legitimate interest in ensuring the safety of property and others and are stored for 14 (fourteen) days after the record is made. Data subjects are informed by warning signs about places where video surveillance is carried out on the territory of Dotnuva Seeds.

4.5. Recording of telephone conversations

For the purpose of ensuring the quality of the services provided (recording of telephone conversations), Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: information provided during the conversation (name, surname, order number, etc.). These personal data are processed on the basis of the legitimate interest to ensure the quality of the services provided and to avoid incidents and are stored for 6 (six) months after the interview.

4.6. Selection of employees

When applying for vacancies, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: name, surname, education, work experience and other information provided by the person in the CV and cover letter. These personal data are processed for legitimate interest in order to select a candidate and on the basis of your consent and are stored for 3 (three) months from the date of employment.

If you are not selected for the next stage of the selection, the CV is stored only after obtaining your separate consent, in the absence of consent, it is destroyed within 1 (one) month from the end of the selection.

4.7. Verification of compliance with international sanctions and restrictive measures

During the due diligence of business partners, you are asked to fill in the business partner's familiarization questionnaire and the business partner's declaration. For this purpose, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data: of a person acting on behalf of a business partner: name, surname, position, signature, of a legal entity representative: name, surname, date of birth, nationality, residential address, telephone number, e-mail postal address, board member: name, surname, nationality, date of birth, shareholder: name, surname, date of birth, size of shares, final beneficiary: name, surname, date of birth, nationality, percentage of ownership and personal data contained in the requested documents in copies. Additionally, information about Data Subjects included in the verification is collected from publicly available information sources, including, but not limited to, public registers, public media space and other sources.

The indicated personal data are processed on the basis of legitimate interest in order to get to know our partners and are stored for at least 5 calendar years from the end of the inspection.

For the processing of personal data, Dotnuva Seeds has used the data processing tool of the Data Controller UAB "iDenfy" (legal entity code 304617621, address Gričiupio str. 7-212, LT-51372 Kaunas).

4.8. In the implementation of the obligations provided by law, related to the organization of activities

In order to ensure the proper implementation of obligations, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data of shareholders, members of the management body, final beneficiaries and other interested persons: name, surname, personal identification number, place of residence, date of election, passport copy of the final beneficiary, information about the permanent beneficiary and his the participation of relatives in political activities, personal data contained in the decisions, protocols and authorizations of the board and the general meeting of shareholders. Personal data is processed in fulfillment of a legal obligation or legitimate interest, in individual cases personal data is processed on the basis of consent.

Personal data processed for this purpose are stored for the period provided by legal acts.

4.9. In the implementation of the obligations provided by law, related to the detection of violations and ensuring sustainability

In order to ensure proper protection of whistleblowers, prevention of corruption, implementation of equal opportunities, protection of human rights and other factors ensuring sustainability, Dotnuva Seeds processes the following personal data of interested persons: name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address. e-mail address, content of a message or other informative text, evidence of violation provided by you: video and/or audio recordings, photo, screenshot, communication, etc. Personal data is processed in fulfillment of a legal obligation or legitimate interest.

Personal data processed for this purpose are stored for the period provided by legal acts.

4.10. Cookies

When you visit the Dotnuva Seeds website, we may place a cookie on your device (English cookies). A cookie is a small file made up of letters and numbers, which, with your consent, we save on your browser or the hard drive of your computer or mobile device. We use different cookies for different purposes. Cookies also help us distinguish you from other users of the website or mobile app, thus ensuring a more pleasant experience of using the website or app and allowing us to improve it.

We use the following cookies:

  • Absolutely necessary cookies. These cookies are necessary for our website or mobile app to function. The basis of the data processed by such cookies is the proper execution of the contract when you visit the website or use the mobile application, and we ensure the quality and security of the visit. Without these cookies, the website or mobile app will not function properly.
  • Analytical and/or performance cookies. These cookies allow us to recognize and count visitors to the website or mobile app and to track how visitors move around our website or mobile app while using them. This helps us to improve the performance of the website/mobile app, for example to ensure that users can easily find what they are looking for. The basis for processing the data collected by these cookies is your consent.
  • Functional cookies. These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website or mobile app, so that we can adapt the presented content to your needs and remember relevant information for you. These can be cookies that, for example, allow us to remember your username and password. The basis for processing the data collected by these cookies is your consent.


The name of the cookie Purpose/purpose of data processing The moment of creation Expiration date Nature of the cookie (necessary, analytical, functional) Data used
cmplz_rt_* Track whether the user has agreed / disagreed with the cookie policy. Accepting/disagreeing with the privacy policy. 1 year functional Privacy settings selected by the user.
_ga, _ga_* Track website usage. By agreeing to the privacy policy. 1 month analytical Encoded virtual user ID.


Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR), requirements established by the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts. Your personal data is handled responsibly and securely. Dotnuva Seeds, both when determining personal data processing measures and during the data processing itself, implements appropriate data protection technical and organizational measures established by legal acts to protect processed personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, damage, alteration, loss, disclosure, as well as from any other unlawful processing. Appropriate measures are determined taking into account the risks arising from the processing of personal data.


We may disclose information about you to our employees, intermediaries, service providers, such as debt administration or collection companies, archiving service companies, marketing services, IT service providers or subcontractors, if reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Also, for the purpose of internal administration, on the basis of the Joint Managers Agreement or after receiving your consent, we may transfer your data within the AB Akola group of companies (AB "Linas Agro", UAB "Dotnuva Baltic", UAB "Geoface", UAB "Dotnuva Rent", etc. ). The joint data controllers have contractually defined the obligations applicable to the parties and will process the received personal data based on the applicable personal data protection requirements.

Group structure and changes: https://www.akolagroup.lt/grupes-struktura/.

We may disclose your personal data to personal data processors who provide services (perform work) to us, i.e. IT service providers, auditors, lawyers, consultants, and process your data on behalf of Dotnuva Seeds as a data controller.

Data processors have the right to process personal data only in accordance with our instructions and only to the extent and to the extent necessary. With the help of data processors, we take all necessary measures to ensure that our data processors have implemented appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data and maintain the confidentiality of personal data.

Your data may be transferred to state institutions and institutions, other persons performing the functions assigned to them by law.

In addition, we may disclose information about you:

  • if we are required to do so by law;
  • in order to defend your rights or interests (including providing your personal data to third parties in order to collect your debts to us);
  • intending to transfer a part of the company's activities or its assets or to reorganize the company or during these processes, disclosing your personal data to the (potential) acquirer of the activity or part of it, other reorganization participants.


Below we provide information about your rights related to the processing of your personal data by Dotnuva Seeds and the cases when you can use these rights. If you would like more information about your rights or to exercise them, please contact us at the email address specified in this Privacy Policy. postal address.

7.1. The right to access your personal data

We want you to fully understand how we use your personal data and not experience any inconvenience as a result. You can contact us at any time and ask whether we process any of your personal data. If we store or use your personal data in any way, you have the right to access them. To do this, send us a written request at the email address specified in this Privacy Policy. postal address. In order to fulfill your request, we may ask you to confirm your personal identity. When making such a request, you must be fair and reasonable.

7.2. Right to withdraw consent

If you have given us your explicit consent for the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time by sending the e-mail specified in this Privacy Policy. postal address.

7.3. The right to request more information

We hope that you will understand that it is very difficult to discuss all possible ways of collecting and using personal data. We strive to provide the clearest and most complete information possible and undertake to update this Privacy Policy if the process of using personal data changes. However, if you have any questions about the use of your personal data, we will be happy to answer them or provide you with any additional information that we can disclose. If you have any specific questions or do not understand the information provided, please contact us.

7.4. Additional rights

Below we provide information about additional rights you have, which you can exercise by following the procedure described below.

  • You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in the data we hold. In this case, we may ask you to confirm the corrected information.
  • You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data. This right is exercised in the cases provided for in Article 17 of the GDPR.
  • You have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your personal data or not to process them.
  • You have the right to the transfer of data that is processed by automated means and that we received from you with your consent or for the purposes of concluding a contract. After you exercise this right, we will transfer a copy of the data you provided at your request.
  • You have the right under Art. 21 of the GDPR. in accordance with the established procedure, do not agree that we use your personal data.


In order to exercise your rights, requests, complaints or demands, submit to us in writing:

  • by email: [email protected];
  • sending by mail to the address: Tillo st. 2C, LT-58373 Dotnuva, Kėdainiai district. wk.;
  • upon arrival at UAB "Dotnuva Seeds", address: Tilto str. 2C, LT-58373 Dotnuva, Kėdainiai district. weekly

We will respond to received requests, complaints or demands in writing in accordance with the procedure and deadlines established by legal acts. We try to provide you with information as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of your request.

If you contact us, we can process the data you have given us, i.e. name, surname, e-mail address. e-mail address, phone number, date and text of the correspondence in the order specified in this Privacy Policy. Please note that we may need to contact you by mail, e-mail. by mail or phone. Please notify us of any changes to your personal data.

If, upon receiving a request, complaint or demand, we have suspicions about the identity of the applicant, we have the right to request the identity document of the applicant.

If we are unable to provide you with the necessary information and (or) you have claims regarding the way your personal data is processed, you have the right to apply to the State Data Protection Inspectorate (www.vdai.lrv.lt), by filing a complaint.


You are responsible for ensuring that the data you provide to us is accurate, correct and complete. If the data you provided changes, you must immediately inform us about it by e-mail. by post In no case will we be responsible for any damage caused to you due to the fact that you have provided incorrect or incomplete personal data or have not informed us when they have changed.


Dotnuva Seeds may update or change this Privacy Policy at any time. Such updated or modified Privacy Policy will be effective upon its posting on the Dotnuva Seeds website. You should check it from time to time and make sure that you are satisfied with the current version of the Privacy Policy.

After updating the Privacy Policy, we will inform you about what we consider to be material changes by publishing them on the website. If you access the website after such notice is posted, you agree to the new requirements set forth in the update. The "Update Date" at the bottom indicates when the Privacy Policy was last updated.

Date of update: 2024-07-31

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