
500 kg

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  • Breeder: Secobra Saatzucht, Germany
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2019.
  • food type, grain meets the requirements of the Extra-I quality class
  • medium early
  • very resistant to lodging 8.6 points
  • average plant height 76 cm
  • Average weight of 1000 grains: 43 g

Characteristics of the breed:

Research on the economic value of the breed was carried out in 2017 and 2018. In Plunge, Kaunas and Utena AVT departments. An average grain yield of 6.59 t ha-1, or 103.3 percent, was obtained. compared to the average yield of standard varieties. in 2020 in private v. in wheat varieties research, the yield was 106.4 percent. compared to standard varieties. in 2022 Kaunas AVTS yield - 108 percent. compared to standard varieties. In field tests to determine the disease of plant varieties, in which no fungicides were used, the resistance of the 'Kapitol' variety to wheat streak was evaluated on average 8.2 points, to leaf septoria - 8.0, and to bell septoria - 8.3 points. Resistance
it was rated 9.0 for powdery mildew, 8.2 for bell fusarium, and 8.5 for brown rust (9 points - a very resistant variety).

Grain quality:

The average protein content was 14.0%, the number of falls was 273 s, the average weight per hectoliter was 80.8 kg hl-1. The amount of gluten in the grain varied from 20.9 to 30.6 percent, starch - from 66.0 to 69.4 percent, coarse grains on a mesh sieve with a diameter of 2.5 mm - 97.5 percent.


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