
500 kg

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  • breeder Lantmänen Seed BV, The Netherlands,
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2017, standard breed AVTS
  • plants of medium height,
  • very resistant to lodging 8.6 points,
  • 1000 grains average weight 48 g,
  • very wintry

Breed characteristics

Research on the economic value of the breed was carried out in 2014-2016. In Å ilutÄ—, Kaunas, Pasvalis and Vilnius AVT departments, an average of 10.64 t/ha or 107.6 percent was obtained. compared to the standard. The average weight of 1000 grains is 47.9 gr. The variety is tolerant to spring mold, yellow rust, moderately tolerant to bell septoria and powdery mildew.

Grain quality

The average protein content was 10.7%, starch – 69.3%. Natural weight of grain - 71.8 kg hl-1


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