
1 kg / 25 kg

500 kg

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  • Syngenta UK, United Kingdom
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2017, standard breed AVTS
  • malty type
  • medium late
  • average plant height 72 cm
  • Resistance to recumbency - 8 points
  • Weight of 1000 grains: average weight 45 g

Breed characteristics

Coarse grains. Economic value studies were conducted in Lithuania in 2015 and 2016. In Šilutė, Kaunas, Pasvalis and Utena AVT departments. Average yield of 9.11 t ha was obtained in the year of research of the variety-1 grain yield, which was 11.2 percent. higher than the average yield of standard varieties. 'Laureate' is highly resistant to streak, powdery mildew, rhynchosporiosis, moderately resistant to barley rumularia. Drought tolerant.

Grain quality

An average of 11.4 percent was found in grains. protein and 63.2 percent. mass of starch, hectoliter - 63.8 kg hl-1, coarse grains on a 2.5 mm mesh sieve -96.4 percent.

Due to its good malt quality, the variety has been recognized by European brewers and included in the list of top varieties of the Lithuanian malt producer UAB "Viking Malt".


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