For horses

Product code: KSED_0047_LTU

20 kg

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Fodder grass seed mix for horses (20 kg)

These mixes consist of white clover and low bell grasses such as perennial sedges. Such pastures are high-quality and fertile throughout the grazing season.

A mixture of Lithuanian and Danish varieties of grass for grazing horses and horses. Undemanding to habitat, drought tolerant. Can grow in less fertile, hilly soils. The mixture consists of long-lived grasses, such as red fescue, meadow mist, white clover. Resistant to low grazing and heavy grazing. Nuganius heals quickly. The feed value is very good, because the mixture is composed of such grass species, whose feed value has been evaluated with very high scores. It is "soft", "sweet" and extremely valuable fodder.

Seed rate: 25-27kg/ha

Purpose The soil Name of the mixture Seed rate, kg/ha Duration of use in years
For grazing/mowing Normal/dry/soaking For horses 25-27 4-5


25 % forage movers
20 % red fescues
15 % perennial 4n
15 % perennial 4n
13 % white clovers
12 % meadow mists

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