
500 kg

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  • NPZ, Germany
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2009.
  • medium early
  • average plant height 116 cm
  • very resistant to lodging 8.4 points
  • resistance to seeds falling out of pods - 8.3 points
  • The weight of 1000 seeds is 654 g

Breed characteristics

2007-2008 in the studies of the economic value of Kaunas and Pasvalis AVTS, an average of 6.47 t was obtained ha-1 grain yield. 2015-2018 Kaunas AVTS productivity compared to the standard is 112 percent. Very coarse grains. The breed has good disease resistance.

Grain quality

In the research year, 31.1-32.7 percent was found in grains on average. proteins.

Standard varieties: Daisy, Fanfare, Stella


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