
500 kg

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  • Lantmännen, Sweden
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2014, standard breed AVTS
  • early
  • average plant height 94 cm
  • very resistant to lodging,
  • very resistant to seeds falling out of the pods - 8.8 points
  • The weight of 1000 seeds is 299 g

Breed characteristics

The grains are yellow. The average yield obtained in the AVT departments in the 2012-2013 research year was 4.46 t ha-1 or 104.5 percent. compared to standard varieties. in Sweden in 2010-2014 - 114 percent compared to standard cultivars. in Estonia in 2015 the yield compared to the standards was 103 percent. Peas of this variety are resistant to diseases. The resistance to ascochitosis of peas of the 'Ingrid' variety in separate years was evaluated with 6 and 9 points, respectively (disease resistance is evaluated with points from 1 to 9, with 9 points being a very disease-resistant variety).

Grain quality

According to the average research data of 2012-2013, 20 percent of grains were found. proteins.



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