InV1266 CL

500 kg

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  • BASF, Germany
  • It has been studied in Lithuania since 2019.
  • Hybrid, clean field
  • breed of technology
  • Flowering and maturity
  • medium early
  • Seed quality
  • Oiliness about 49 percent.
  • Plants of medium height
  • Resistant to lodging
  • Resistant to pod opening
  • Weight of 1000 seeds - 4.5 g
  • Ziemkentishka

Breed characteristics

Suitable for growing in various soils. Rapid development in autumn and spring. Resistant to fomosis (Rlm 7 gene). High yield results in the "clean field" technology variety group. Breed 2019-2020 was studied in the group of "clean field" varieties of Kaunas, Plunge and Pasvalis AVTS. Average yield was 118 percent compared to standard varieties. In terms of yield, it was in the first place among all "clean field" technology hybrids studied in 2019-2021.

Seed quality

The average oil content is about 49 percent.


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