MHR Korona

500 kg

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  • Malopolska Hodowla Roslin, Poland
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2022.
  • Medium early
  • average plant height 100-125 cm
  • very resistant to lodging, 6.5 points
  • Weight of 1000 seeds 26 g

Breed characteristics

Research on the economic value of the breed, carried out in 2020 and 2021. In the AVT department of Kaisiadori. An average of 129.8 percent was obtained in the year of the breed research. compared to standard varieties buckwheat yield. According to the data provided by the breeder, the potential of the crop is 1.5-2.7 t ha-1. Plants have good resistance to temporary droughts.

Grain quality

The average protein content is 13.6%, starch – 62.5%, shell content – 27.2%.


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