Pumori FAO 210

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  • Saaten Union, Germany,
  • purpose: for silage,
  • recommended planting density: 90,000 plants/ha,
  • plant height 276 cm,
  • plants resistant to lodging,
  • green mass yield 54.0 ha-1,
  • dry matter % during harvesting 41.40
  • dry matter yield 22.15t ha-1,
  • starch, % in dry matter 35.7

According to the 2023 test data from Kaunas AVTS

Breed characteristics

The plants are compact and produce strong stems. Suitable for growing in all types of soil. Plants develop rapidly in the early growth stages. Tolerates temporary moisture deficits. Beans are well filled with grains. Plants stay green for a long time. Under normal conditions, it does not grow additional stems. High content of caracmol, good feed digestibility.


There is no.

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