
500 kg

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  • Maribo Seed International ApS, Denmark
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2009.
  • medium early
  • average plant height 82 cm
  • very resistant to lodging
  • resistance to seeds falling out of pods - 8.8 points
  • Weight of 1000 seeds 234 g

Breed characteristics

The grains are yellow. A semi-leafless pea variety. The highest yield of 7.77 t ha-1 was obtained in 2008. Kaunas AVTS, 2013 yield in Kaunas AVTS was 110 percent. compared to the average of standard varieties. The uniqueness of the breed is very good resistance to lodging. 2017-2018 Kaunas AVTS had 114% resistance to lodging. compared to standard varieties.

In the tests conducted during the research year, ascochytosis affected only up to 5%. plants.

Grain quality

The average protein content determined in the grains of 'Respect' variety peas grown in individual research years was 22.0-25.1 percent.



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