
500 kg

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  • Nordsaat Saatzucht GmbH, Germany
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2010.
  • food/feed type
  • medium early
  • average plant height 103 cm
  • resistant to lodging 7.8 points
  • Weight of 1000 grains 46 g

Breed characteristics

In tests, this variety was characterized by good, stable yields. In the economic value research years 2007-2009, the obtained average yield was 6.55 t ha -1  The variety is resistant to diseases, tolerant to late sowing.

Grain quality

The average protein content is 11.5 percent. The huskiness of the grain is 22.2%. Oats "Scorpion" have a high specific weight and meet the requirements of the food industry for super oats.


There is no.

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