
500 kg

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  • breeder "LAMMC Institute of Agriculture", Lithuania,
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2001,
  • the grain meets the requirements of the Extra-I quality class,
  • very early
  • plants are tall
  • moderately resistant to lodging,
  • 1000 grains average weight 43 g,
  • very wintry

Breed characteristics

The average yield of wheat of this variety in 2018-2020. Kaunas AVTS was 8.59 t/ha. The highest yield of 9.79 t/ha was obtained in 2012. Kaunas AVT department. in 2014 In Kaunas AVTS post-registration tests, the yield was 105 percent. compared to standard varieties. Ada wheat grows well and adapts to all soils. When fertilizing with a higher amount of nitrogen, growth regulators should be used. The plants are less affected by brown rust, moderately by powdery mildew and septoria. The breed is winter-hardy. in 2014 in winter, the winter resistance of the Kaunas AVTS is estimated at 8 points or 114 percent. compared to the standard.

Grain quality

In the grains, on average, the following was determined: protein - 11.2-13.0 percent, gluten - 20.5-28.4 percent, sedimentation - 28.0-60.3 ml., number of falls 333 s and weight per hectoliter 80, 2 kg hl-1.


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