SY Talisman FAO 220

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  • Syngenta France, France,
  • recommended planting density: 90,000 plants/ha
  • purpose: for silage,
  • plant height 283 cm,
  • green mass yield 50.7 t ha-1
  • dry matter % during harvesting 43.7
  • dry matter yield 22.2 t ha-1
  • starch, % in dry matter 42.5

According to the 2023 test data from Kaunas AVTS.

Breed characteristics

The hybrid is suitable for growing in all types of soil. Intensive plant growth in the early stages of development. Produces large, very well filled pods. The cob dominates the total mass of the plant. In warmer climates, this variety is grown for grain because the plants form an exceptionally large cob. The cob is completely covered by covering leaves, so it is well protected from the spread of mycotoxins. Long duration of greening of plants. Plants accumulate a large amount of starch, high-quality feed with high energy value is obtained. Good feed digestibility. High whole plant dry matter yield.


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