
500 kg

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  • NPZ, Germany
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2020.
  • medium early
  • average plant height 98 cm
  • very resistant to lodging 9 points
  • very resistant to seeds falling out of the pods 8.7 points
  • The weight of 1000 seeds is 561 g

Breed characteristics

'Trumpet' beans were studied in Kaunas and Pasvalis AVT departments in 2018 and 2019. An average of 5.65 t ha was obtained in the tests-1 or 108.2 percent. compared to standard varieties. The largest harvest was obtained in 2022. In Kaunas AVT department - 11.08 t ha-1. in 2023 In Poland, in studies of Coboru varieties, the yield was 110 percent. compared to standard varieties.

Grain quality

The average protein content is 31 percent.



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