
500 kg

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  •  Saatzucht Donau, Austria
  • Registered in Lithuania in 2021.
  • early maturity
  • average plant height 68 cm
  • very resistant to lodging, 8.5 points
  • very resistant to seeds falling out of the pods - 9 points
  • Weight of 1000 seeds 183g

Breed characteristics

The grains are yellow. In Lithuania, soybeans of the 'Abelina' variety were studied in the Kaunas and Pasvalis AVT departments in 2019 and 2020. An average of 3.15 t ha was obtained in the tests-1 'Ambella' soybean crop. The largest harvest was obtained in 2020. In Pasvalis AVT section - 4.31 t ha-1. The attachment height of the lower pods is 12.5 cm from the ground.

Grain quality

High in protein and fat. After evaluating the quality of the grown soybeans in the laboratory, an average of 36.3 percent was found in them. protein and 22.7 percent fat.


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