
500 kg

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  • Registered in Lithuania in 2018.
  • The grain meets the requirements of quality class I-II
  • Medium early
  • The plants are low
  • Resistant to lodging
  • The average weight of 1000 grains is 43 g
  • Ziemkentishka

Breed characteristics

2015-2016 According to AVTS, the average wheat yield of this variety is 10.4 t ha-1. The highest yield - 12.3 t ha-1 was obtained in 2016. Pasvalos AVTS. The variety is resistant to septoriosis of leaves and bells, powdery mildew and stripe, moderately resistant to fusariosis of bells and stem breakage. It is suitable for cultivation in soils of light and medium granulometric composition. It can also be sown at later sowing dates.

Grain quality. In the grains, on average, the following was found: protein - 11.2-13.0 percent, gluten - 20.5-28.4 percent, sedimentation - 28.0-60.3 ml, number of falls 333 s and weight per hectoliter 80.2 kg hl -1. In the grain grown during the research year, it was determined on average: protein - 11.6%, gluten - 21.5%, starch - 69%, number of falling - 345 s, sedimentation - 35.2 ml, weight per hectoliter 78.0 kg hl -1.


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