1kg, 7.5kg, 20kg

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Turfline® is a gardener's favorite

Turfline® mixes are supplied in 1 kg cartons, 7.5 kg and 20 kg bags.

Lawn grass mix for shady areas

SHADOW is very shade tolerant, e.g. from trees and buildings, especially the common mist in the composition). The mixture provides dense and compact growth. SHADOW mixture does not need to be fertilized and watered abundantly.

  • Grows well in the shade (especially common mistletoe)
  • Forms a dense and soft carpet of grass
  • Low maintenance


  • 25 % Perennial Squirrels (Quick Action ©)
  • 15 % Red short-rooted fescues
  • 50 % Red long-stemmed fescues
  • 5 % Rough fescue
  • 5 % Common mistletoe

Sowing rate: about 3 kg/100 m2

*the composition of the mixture may change

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