1kg, 7.5kg, 20kg

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Turfline® is a gardener's favorite

Turfline® mixes are supplied in 1 kg cartons, 7.5 kg and 20 kg bags.

Perennial grasses Quick Action© in the SPORT mixture ensure quick germination and establishment. They grow densely and compactly, and recover quickly after damage.

Improved play in tight conditions with Quick Action ©

The Turfline Sport compound has been updated with the unique Quick Action © perennial turf. This resilient perennial is only available from DLF. Quick Action © has much better disease and drought resistance. Especially in the autumn and winter seasons, resistance to diseases such as snow mold is significantly improved. This, combined with rapid establishment and better growth at lower temperatures, improves the quality of the grass cover for sports activities in late autumn and early spring. Resistance to the disease red streak is also improved.

The improved drought resistance due to the deeper rooting of Quick Action © perennial sedges makes it a unique partner in mixtures for dry soils.

Turf damage heals quickly thanks to meadow mists, which form underground rhizomes, binding the turf and increasing the potential for rapid recovery.

  • Grows well both in the sun and in the shade
  • Winters well
  • Quick recovery from heatstroke or drought


  • 40 % Perennial Squirrels (Quick Action ©)
  • 10 % Red tufted fescue
  • 35 % Red long-stemmed fescues
  • 5 % Rough fescue
  • 10 % Meadow mist

Sowing rate: about 3 kg/100 m2

*the composition of the mixture may change

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